FLATZ, Portrait with hammer, 1990,
Photo: Andreas Struck
© FLATZ Foundation
FLATZ, Portrait with hammer, 1990,
Photo: Andreas Struck
© FLATZ Foundation



Something wrong with physical sculpture

Pinakothek der Moderne | Art
09.02.2024 — 12.05.2024
Temporär 1

OPENING WITH CHARITY AUCTION: 08 FEBRUARY 2024, 7.00 P.M. | admission free
with music by FLATZ / GUTBROD and DJ HELL
Further information

The performance artist, sculptor, stage designer, musician and poet FLATZ is one of the most uncompromising contemporary artistic personalities. A retrospective exhibition at the Pinakothek der Moderne focuses on the central subject of his work: the body.

The performances, sculptures and multimedia spatial installations by FLATZ (*1952) are radical and designed to provoke. The artist often uses his own body – especially in order to lend expression to human vulnerability and counteract the general public’s indifference.

In 1979, the then 27-year-old FLATZ posed naked as a living dartboard. Spectators were allowed to throw darts at him, with the prospect of a DM 500 cash prize for a hit. The eleventh throw from a member of the audience hit and wounded the artist; the performance was then over. On New Year’s Eve 1990/91, FLATZ had himself hung upside down between two steel plates in Tbilisi, Georgia, where he was swung like the clapper of a bell and struck the metal loudly – for a whole five minutes until he fell unconscious. This was followed by Johann Strauss’ waltz ‘The Blue Danube’ that lasted twice as long and was danced to by a festively dressed couple. The Austrian-born artist became known to an international art public in 1992 with his installation ‘Bodycheck’ for documenta IX in Kassel. The work comprised 90 black punchbags suspended from the ceiling, each one corresponding to the artist’s body weight. In order to cross the room, documenta visitors had to battle their way between the bags with some difficulty. FLATZ called these ‘Physical Sculptures’ like a number of his other works. His ‘Physical Sculptures’ evoke a direct interaction between the work and the viewer – physically or psychologically.

With selected works from the late 1970s to the present day, the exhibition is devoted to FLATZ’s radical concept of the body that, in an unmistakable way, repeatedly addresses the sensitive and fragile as well.

This aspect is explicitly referenced in a self-portrait created in 1997, the title of which ‘Something Wrong with Physical Sculpture’ is also the name of the exhibition.

 Curator: Bernhart Schwenk


We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition on 8 February, 7 p.m., at the Pinakothek der Moderne
The artist FLATZ will be present.

7 p.m. | Speakers:
Bernhard Maaz, Director General of the Bavarian State Painting Collections
Bernhart Schwenk, curator of the exhibition and head of the contemporary art collection
Elisabeth Schweeger, cultural manager

From 7.30 p.m. | Charity auction "Die Haut zu Markte tragen" 
From 8.30 p.m. | Music by FLATZ / GUTBROD and DJ HELL
Afterparty at P1

THU 08.02., 7 p.m.-10.30 p.m. | Opening with charity auction and music | Admission free

Live-Stream of the Opening

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Charity auction on the opening night

The Pinakothek der Moderne announces that the planned charity auction as part of the Flatz exhibition has been cancelled. An internationally active Swiss collector has approached the artist to obtain all twelve pieces as an undivided group of works that were originally intended for auction. The exhibition will be open to the public from 9th February.

Christie’s is pleased to support the Bavarian State Painting Collections at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich and the FLATZ Foundation with a charity auction.
In a final act, FLATZ transfers his skin and thus his existence to art. He is auctioning off all the tattoos he has had tattooed into his skin since 1975. Until the dissected pieces of skin are handed over posthumously, full-body photographs with the marked areas of skin serve as symbolic governors. The charity auction to support the museum and the FLATZ Foundation will be conducted by Dirk Boll, chairman of Christie՚s.

The auction is the prelude to the retrospective exhibition: "Something Wrong with Physical Sculpture" by FLATZ at the Pinakothek der Moderne.

Up for sale are 13 works from FLATZ’s last major body of work. The 13 tattoos covering the artist’s body will be auctioned off under the title: "To Risk One's Own Skin" Until the posthumous handover of the prepared pieces of skin, photographs will serve as symbolic substitutes.

The auction thus offers a unique opportunity to acquire a significant piece of art history’s future, as this is the first time an artist has sold his real body as a work of art during his lifetime.

Die Benefizauktion zur Unterstützung des Museums sowie der FLATZ Stiftung wird von Christie's durchgeführt. 
Telefongebote können bis 08.02.2024, 15.00, unter +49 (0)89 24 20 96 80 / mhuyn@christies.com / kkluehspies@christies.com
abgegeben werden.

The charity auction in support of the museum and the FLATZ Foundation is being organised by Christie's. 
Telephone bids can be placed until 08.02.2024, 3 p.m., at +49 (0)89 24 20 96 80 / mhuyn@christies.com / kkluehspies@christies.com can be submitted.

Further information

THU 08.02., 7.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. | Charity auction | Pinakothek der Moderne, Rotunde