Museum Brandhorst

Museum Brandhorst

Museum Brandhorst

Opening hours


10 A.M. - 6 P.M.


10 A.M. - 8 P.M.





Admission is free for children and young people under the age of 18.Students and visitors over 65 years of age receive reduced admission.


5 € reduced


Pinakotheken, Museum Brandhorst, Sammlung Schack


per museum

Annual Ticket

Annual tickets are available at the ticket offices in our museums as well as in the online ticket shop.Pinakotheken, Museum Brandhorst and Sammlung Schack


60 € reduced



Information for your visit

Our map (PDF) gives you an overview of the different ways to reach us

Museum Brandhorst
Theresienstraße 35a
80333 München

You can reach the Museum Brandhorst by:

Number 27 to Pinakotheken

Underground (U-Bahn)
U2 to Königsplatz or Theresienstrasse
U3 | U6 to Odeonsplatz or Universität
U4 | U5 to Odeonsplatz

Number 154 to Schellingstraße
Number 100 (Museumslinie/ museum line): to Pinakotheken
Number 100 (Museumslinie/ museum line): to Maxvorstadt / Sammlung Brandhorst

We recommend the use of public transportation. Parking is not available.

Two coach parking spaces are available in front of the Neue Pinakothek. Parking is limited to two hours (with parking disc) between 10 A.M. and 8 P.M.

Visitors with children are welcome to use the light strollers provided by the museum. Wheelchairs are also available for the disabled. Both are easy to maneuver in the galleries. Please ask at the information desk in the foyer.

Museum Entrance
Theresienstrasse/ corner of Türkenstrasse

There are 2 disabled parking spaces in front of the main entrance to Museum Brandhorst.

There are two elevators for visitors. The elevators provide access to all exhibition levels (lower level, ground floor, upper floor). Another elevator connects the entrance foyer (ground floor) with the cloakroom level (lower level).

Wheelchairs are available at the information desk upon request. It is of course possible to visit the exhibition galleries with the help of a wheelchair.

The museum provides restrooms for disabled visitors in three locations: on the upper level beyond the Lounge, on the lower floor near the cloakroom, and beside the media suite.

+49 (0)89 23805 2286

The audio guide offers you a tour of all three floors of the Museum Brandhorst with information and background information on selected works.

German | English
free of charge

All prices subject to change.

A complete list of all publications of the Museum Brandhorst is available here.

The Walther König bookshop is a specialist bookshop and publisher for art, photography, architecture, design and aesthetic theory. The Brandhorst Museum offers a large selection of international book titles.

All publications are available at the Walther König bookshop: Book shop

Buchshop Walther König
TUE-SUN 12 noon - 6 P.M.
SAT and SUN 11 A.M. - 6 P.M.
+49 (0) 89 28702 994

Whether after visiting the exhibition or during the lunch break, our museum's café invites you to relax and enjoy.

The café is located in the foyer of Museum Brandhorst on Theresienstraße. Located in the bustling Maxvorstadt district, the café in the heart of Munich offers a place to wind down.

Daily, the café offers a fresh selection of cakes and beverages, as well as a rotating lunch menu.

Opening hours
Tuesday – Sunday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Thursday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Bags up to the size DIN A 4 (no larger than 30 x 20 x 10 cm) may be taken into the museum. Please leave backpacks and larger bags at the cloakroom or deposit them in our deposit lockers. 

We kindly ask you consider the House rules (PDF), House rules (PDF)Cloakroom rules (PDF) and the Terms & Conditions that apply in all our museums. 

We kindly ask you to take note of them. Thank you very much!